DMT #4 | Trapped for Eternity

by Gentle Lynx

I wish that this was more structured and that I could still remember all of the fascinating experiences I had last night. DMT has, once again, absolutely blown my mind. I cracked the glass pipe while cleaning it (inevitable after repeated use), so I switched back to the bong. I racked up some cannabis and what I thought was a low moderate dosage. I got a good few hits out of the bong, and then the last one brought the world in.

I wish I could remember the experiences; there were so many that were obviously interpretable and eye-opening. The thing that is stuck with me though, that I voice recorded into my phone as I was lying on the floor recovering last night, was getting trapped. I don’t know where in the trip it was, or how I ended up there, but I was in a white room. It was taller than it was wide, and the corners were all smoothed, rounded. There was some colour; it was not just white. There was a feeling of another entity, a ‘cellmate’, though I could not see anything.

I had no idea how I got there, I had no idea who I was. All that was obvious was that something had gone wrong; I went through a wrong door or pushed a wrong button, and now I was trapped. There was no escape, the room was timeless. Waves of calmness and panic flowed through me as I contemplated eternity. I thought about how I might entertain myself in this minimally coloured room, with no objects, for eternity. It all seemed entirely real; I do not know how to capture that in words; I do not know how to convince myself of the reality of what I experienced.

Then, a memory came to me. I cannot remember what it was. I think it was something that had happened yesterday. Oh boy, I held on to that memory for dear life. It was two things. Firstly, it was something that had come into the cell, which was a closed system, so that was like a miracle. Secondly, it reminded me of who I was, that I had an identity, that there was someone outside of this bubble in space and time. I basically held tight and kept rehearsing or reliving the memory until I started noticing other things and could trust that I was out of the cell.

My mind is blown. People so often talk about facing death and mortality, but I just found that it was facing eternity that was truly terrifying.